My name's Bernardo Fontes, a.k.a. Berin, and I live of writing and creating code.
I've been working with Python for more than 10 years now, developing web applications, creating services and processing a lot of data.
I'm the creator of pyp5js, a tool to integrate Python code to p5.js. I'm also a maintainer of model_bakery, a Python lib to help writing tests for Django applications.
Regular supporter and source code contributor on Brazil's open data project named
I'm a member of Grupo de Experiências CrÃticas em Infraestruturas Digitais (GECID) [Critical Experiments in Digital Infrastructures Group] / GAIA / C4AI, Inova USP
Besides that, I use code to give life to a part of my creative ideas.
Member of the live coding duo Pietro Bapthysthe
I do like a bunch of other things such as reading/writing poetry, listening/composing music and drawing with maths using Processing.
In this website you can find links for everything related to myself and my work. Feel free to explore!
brazilian, born in 1988, currently based in recife, brazil